Accessible Sports and Outdoor Adventures with Isaac Harvey

Mai Ling and Martyn kick off this episode with a chat about disability and health related awareness days and how to everage them. Mai Ling also shares an update on the next book in the Xceptional Leaders series. Then Martyn shares an interview with...
Mai Ling and Martyn kick off this episode with a chat about disability and health related awareness days and how to everage them. Mai Ling also shares an update on the next book in the Xceptional Leaders series. Then Martyn shares an interview with Isaac Harvey. He is the president of Wheels and Wheelchairs, an organization which pairs up wheelchair users with roller skaters to experience fun outdoor adventures together. Isaac talks about his story as a wheelchair user, how he first got involved with Wheels and Wheelchairs, and some of the other projects he’s working on.
Contact Mai Ling: MLC at
Contact James: James at
Introduction 0:00
Having warm support from everyone around you helps you feel positive about life even having a disability. and that is what Isaac Harvey felt that led to feel like he is capable of doing what he wants like he doesn't see disability as a threat.
Martyn 0:24
Welcome to Xceptional leaders were Mai Ling and Martyn, where we give you some real access to intimate conversations that are shaping the way the world is supporting disabled people. If it's happening, it's been said here on Martyn. And they can reach me at
Mai Ling 0:40
And I'm Mai Ling and you can find me at And today we're going to be chatting about Isaac Harvey and his really unique activities and his story. But before we get to that, Martyn, what is going on on your side of the pond?
Martyn 0:54
On a personal level, it's been quite busy, my fiance's gone to Poland to see her family after sort of their restrictions have calmed down a little bit in the UK and Europe, at least around COVID. Obviously, we're recording this mid October for everyone wondering what kind of date we're recording this but so yeah, she's going away, which means I've got a live in carer assistant to help me with the day to day tasks that I need help with. We've got building work, we have an extension built at the back, the dog is as energetic as ever say, yeah, everyday life is certainly keeping me on my toes. And yeah, purple goat is, is going really well. We've hired another person, and we're really smashing our targets there. And then in terms of like, bigger picture, we understand me, Linda, it's going to be Disability Awareness Day in the UK on the fifth. So that should be the day before we've that this has dropped. What do you make Mai Ling of these sort of not just in disability, but generally these international days? Like, are there many that you engage with and get behind? Or like, I don't know about you? I find? There's so many it's hard to keep up with sometimes. But what's your relationship with these sort of international days?
Mai Ling 2:10
Yes, I definitely paid more attention. When I started doing the podcast, you know, we have our list and we take a look at it and see if there's anything that we can align. The word is awareness. And I'm really surprised at all of the different niche focused awareness days and like, for example, we had national guide dog month is for September, and then also lymphoma Awareness Month, national hydrocephalus Awareness Month, you know, so there's these very specific areas. And it really gives you the opportunity when you're someone who is producing content like we do, to align interviews, align products, you know, align things around these types of dates, and help to push that awareness. So it's really great to be able to just do a search, and I did one for 2021 calendar of disability related dates, and I was able to pull up all of these. So if you have a opportunity, an event, a product, and you are looking to align it with any of these awareness areas that are specific to disability, definitely every year, do this search and find out when they're upcoming. And then you can become a part of it, add to it, and you know, be a part of that awareness community.
Martyn 3:20
Yeah, we also just realized its final Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month is August, which To be fair, when we're talking right now it is still August, I like a little shout out for my actual disabilities find no muscular atrophy of exactly what you just said, made in the charity I'm involved in for the condition, I really use that awareness month to double down in the kind of stats and the information around the conditions I have. And I think that's quite a nice segue into another update that I had. So that segue being around content creation. I think you're right, that the awareness days and months are really powerful for particularly like from we're doing podcasts and content creation. As we mentioned in one of our previous episodes, I'm involved with LinkedIn as this change maker.
Mai Ling 4:09
Martyn 4:11
Thank you. Thank you that we lots of content creation, including a TV ad, which will be going live, I believe in the UK that is but on the day that we dropped this episode, it will be on YouTube, so we can share it on the Xceptional leaders socials as well if anyone out of the UK isn't aware of it, but also when I had an idea of other disabled people with me when we filmed a TV ad and two of the talent as we were called on the day, which is quite nice. Yes. Both had guide dogs and we just talked about guide dog Awareness Month and I found it so so interested in how when the dogs had the accounting what the word is, like the cover that sort of the clothes but there's about a proper word for it, but it's signaled that they're they're working and so No one is allowed to stroke or pet the dog because they're working. They're helping the, you know, the person that has a visual impairment or is blind to, to navigate around in day I really just that day being around these couple of Guide Dogs I learned so much about that job and how they empower and enable that those people they work with. So I thought that was cool, just to mention as well, because that came up before. But yeah, also just check out the LinkedIn TV ad as a as a shameless plug as well.
Mai Ling 5:29
Well, excellent. Well, that's why we do this. So just so our listener knows we don't have any sponsorship, we do not have any type of support and to do this, so Martyn, and I give up our time and our finances freely to create this podcast, at least so far, you know, if someone wanted to do that, we haven't really said no yet. But it's it's just been a beautiful offering of love to you and to the community. So speaking of community, I also wanted to share that we have our our first stuttering conference coming up and exceptional Ed, from September 20 to 25th, it is also free. That is a way for us to give to the community and to support our special education teachers, speech language pathologists, anyone who is supporting people who are in the space of stuttering and fluency. So we hope that you guys pop over there and check those out. And my last book, I keep saying this becoming an exceptional SLP. Leader, we just started doing our first draft. So it's been beautiful Martyn to start to get those first drafts coming in and being able to read them and then getting excited and thinking about expansion questions and how we can help them to really flower you know, their stories out. So I'm really excited about bringing this this book out in November.
Martyn 6:40
That's amazing. I was just thinking about, you know, can relate to when I was doing my chapter for the previous book he did that I was fortunate to be involved in at that center, nervous excitement of getting all your thoughts down in a good way in a cool way, but all the time and hitting the deadline. And I think writing can be one of those things we really want it to be. It's a chapter in a book, and it's like you could overthink and I really remember like, just get it down and get it done. And you know, it was so worth that process to be involved in it would be
Mai Ling 7:11
Excellent. Thank you so much again for being a part of it. And now I realized that you guys were really, really courageous because I didn't give you the opportunity to read each other's chapters, I just I didn't want anyone to be influenced by somebody else's. But the most recent writers for might become an exceptional AAC leader. And then now the SLP leader, they have the benefit of being able to read your chapter. So thank you again, I realized now in going back, it really was a pioneering step for everyone.
Martyn 7:38
Awesome, awesome. Well, one more thing I was gonna mention, before you do the social media plug in a second Mai Ling was we actually had I love the email from a guy called James who I've met through local sort of business networking group, a couple of years prior to COVID, when we used to hang out in the same room as each other. And it was just great to hear from a listener that story about Steven, and the superpowers of dyslexia. And that sort of hidden disability really resonated with James, I just want to say to James, thanks for, for reaching out and letting us know that that episode really helped you and resonated with you. And then yeah, as I say, Mai Ling, You and I give the reminder of how people can engage with us.
Mai Ling 8:22
Yes, we do love it. We love to get your emails and referrals and just feedback of what you're thinking about the show and how we can do better. So please reach out to us on Facebook, Instagram. We are there as Xceptional leaders everywhere you can go to our page, , definitely sign up for the mailing list, we can stay in touch with you and just stay connected with us. We are really loving, knowing that you are a real person and you're listening and giving us you know how we're helping you in some way. So thanks so much. And I hope you enjoy this episode.
Martyn 8:53
Yeah, that's good, too. Okay, so today, Isaac Harvey joins us on the show. Really great to probably catch up with you, Isaac.
Isaac 9:05
Yes. Yeah, it's been a long time coming. But here we are speaking whichever.
Martyn 9:10
Absolutely. As is a general trend these days around social media and content and community life. It really weaves in all of our lives in one way or another. But yeah, again, another nice example of how we've connected is like we've had lots of, you know, exposure to each other's content. And we've started sending the odd little direct message. And yeah, I really respect all the work you've been doing. It's a really, I don't know, just it's got this really nice energy to everything that you do. It's positive and it's optimistic and it resonates with a lot of my values as well around sort of disability and inclusion. But for our listeners ever really great if you just want to give a bit of a background, you know, go where you want to go to share what you want to share, but let us just learn a little bit about you.
Isaac 9:57
Before I do that, I just want to also say congratulations for becoming a LinkedIn Changemaker.
Martyn 10:03
Oh Thank you!
Isaac 10:04
Uh yes an honor to be in your presence actually. With me
Martyn 10:09
because of your bio
Isaac 10:13
because reallyI'm powered right now. Yeah, so my name is Isaac Harvey. And I was born with a disability called limb pelvic hyperplasia, which means I have no arms and short legs. I have a weak pelvis. And I also have scoliosis, and a spine, which has been corrected with metal work.
Martyn 10:37
Titanium rods as well
Isaac 10:39
Oh wow. Okay, cool. Yeah, so that was fixed. probably wrong. At my last operation. 2013 or 2012? Yeah, that's my last operation. And now, now I don't need to go back. That's good. Yeah, I won't be growing anymore. So they don't need to lengthen it.
Martyn 10:58
Yeah, yeah. to like, extend the roads as you grow and everything like that. Yeah. So that thanks for explaining the disability. side. And yeah, I mean, I think when people have a disability, that the cause, or the reason is very varied in terms of there's so many different conditions and disabilities out there. So it's always great to have that framing of your personal experience of disability as a medical condition. I mean, does it does it cause any kind of pain free life? And I know more like socially, particularly going back to childhood? Like, how is it just generally with schools and friendships and that kind of stuff as well?
Isaac 11:37
So it's been, I feel that I've been quite lucky that the people have been wound up being quite supportive, like I've had really supportive family, supportive friends, and school was pretty good, in that I had learning support systems who would help me in class, to write my notes and put my hand up if I needed to say anything to the teacher. I've only had one experience of being bullied, which wasn't great. But that got resolved. Because someone came to my age, and that person got taught up for it. And it didn't happen again. Yeah, well, yeah, I wasn't very good. But, you know, I've thought I've been quite lucky. And, and it's been pretty good. And I feel that it's all down to the people around me who have kept my mind positive in some sorts. And that's allowed me to overcome a lot of things with my disability. And yeah, just take on the world, really, and show people that even though I have a disability, I'm able to still do things, and then show people that if I could do it, you can do it, too.
Martyn 12:49
TYeah, absolutely. So it's fair to say on the kind of the medical cause side that there's not like, you know, kind of chronic pain or chronic fatigue. And so, obviously, you have limitations physically, but then it's more around. If you've got the right people like the Learning Support assistance, then and the equipment. We'll get on a bit later to some of your, your skating and that, but yeah, that ultimately, sort of, then you're able to just get out there and crack on with life. Yeah,
Isaac 13:19
yes. But I do actually get pain. So I had an operation on my back. Yeah, it tilted my pelvis. And I started sitting more on my right leg when sitting. So I get quite a lot of pain when I sit for long periods of time. And the only time to really believe it is when I am lying down. Or I have the feature on my chair to do it. But yeah, which I don't use a lot. I don't know. Most people say you should just use it. But I just don't feel comfortable doing it in public as much. I don't know why.
Martyn 13:52
Yeah, no, I had the same conversation the other day, one of my personal characters is like you said, you never really stretch back in the chair and the day. Just kind of busy. And I'm just like, Yeah, I know you mean about that. I actually sit more on my left hip, and I have like a gel pad to try to relieve the pressure and the asset. It sounds like we've got quite similar situation with the back stuff. But you mentioned the brilliant thing. Like, I think you hear stories of burning of disabled kids at school and I disability hate crime and you read some stories, and they're just horrific in terms of like, big, you know, mainstream media news type stories, and it's terrible that they happen in the world full stop. But I do feel like a lot of the people I know, with a disability, you know, their kids will be kids. So there's always like a better name, or a bit of negativity, but at the same time, it feels like kids, particularly more than adults sometimes are very accepting of differences. I know for me at school, you know, I was one of the one of the guys, and we used to play football and had some really good friends. And it was that I don't want to put words in your mouth, but you filled out. So that was similar for you that apart from that one incident, you describe that, you know that it was quite a positive kind of childhood.
Isaac 15:18
Yeah, I do resonate with what you said, because it's, yeah, they just treated me like anyone else who need and helped out were needed. And for, and for them, you know, I think it was just second nature to do. So. I always feel about this in education, which is why a lot of people are close minded about because they're not exposed to people with disabilities. So I think, you know, with the classmates, I think they will take those skills into the real life into now working with me, whereas, you know, lots of people don't get exposed to us and have the experience of traveling or, you know, the amount of times I've gone on the tube with someone new. And they said, Oh, I didn't realize like, you have to take all these lifts to get out of the station. And that's why I don't really, you know, get really angry about people like that, because, you know, how can you be angry at someone doesn't know.
Martyn 16:14
Yeah, they don't know what they don't know. Yeah, that makes sense. I want one thing when it's one thing for me have an interactive view for while social media and just seeing your content is just strike me as very positive and optimistic. Like I said, earlier on, when we were chatting, and something I've always wondered, I get asked it because I think I'm similar with that positive optimism, like, Is that something you think you're born with? Or is that something that you can create within you and nurture within you?
Isaac 16:45
I think it's a bit of both. It's like that nature nurture debate. I feel that you can be born with it, but it does take the people around you to make you to who you are. Because I've made like, the friends around me that have been supportive, and I've been very positive about my disability. But when it comes to my mindset that's had to build a roller coaster ride over time, within myself, being upset about not being able to get into relationships. Well, that's been the main thing really.
Martyn 17:21
We all as humans want that. intimacy and relationships and, and yeah, the sexual connection, all that, that good stuff. And I think it's that kind of anyone that, that for whatever reason feels as a barrier or a difficulty, it can impact the mental health. And I think it's such a taboo topic as well. And in particularly with disability, it's kind of taboo on its own in many ways. So it's like disability and sex together. It's like a blue. And I think there are things around societal attitudes and education. But yeah, as you say that mental health on a personal level is a hard one on that roller coaster, isn't it?
Isaac 18:04
Yes, yeah. And especially, because, you know, I've had the feelings of depression. And it's one of those feelings where you don't feel that you can reach out to anyone, because it's your problem, and you got sorted out. And, yeah, it was, it's tough for me to really talk to people about these things all the time, especially in the past three years, you know, I had a moment where I was like, Okay, I need to take a step back and really start learning about new things. And that's when I started searching about the human brain and the subconscious mind and mindset. And I've got on my no much better place now. And, you know, now I don't really care about being in a relationship. You know, when that time comes, it comes when you just gotta be positive, really just go gotta go with the flow.
Martyn 18:52
I know,You're a young guy, like every day, there's plenty of time for that.
Isaac 18:56
Oh yeah, I’m having fun
Martyn 18:59
Exactly. Yeah. No, thank you for being so open about it. Because I mean, I think, even though we sort of said about disability and about the topic of sex, but yeah, the topic of mental health used to be taboo, but thankfully, that in society feels something that's more talked about, and there's more like conversations going on. But yeah, I appreciate your candidness and honesty around that, that, you know, not difficulties as you were just talking about before, really, but and do you think like, or how much do you think disability was a factor of that, that mental health struggle versus like the general life kind of stuff?
Isaac 19:38
It's a bit of a weird one, because, as mentioned before, I I've always been able to overcome things with my disability, because there's some mornings where I was comfortable to get up, but because I had to overcome up schools. because of my disability, I would find it easy to do those things. It was just my brain, which was And the thing which was accepting it. So in a way, my disability has been my advantage in overcoming obstacles. But when it's come to mindset, that's the one which took a while for me to get over.
Martyn 20:14
Yeah, that resonates so much that resonates so much. goes like me mentioned kind of kids and schooling around the land support system that gives us sort of quick kind of, how did it go? education? Was that sort of qualifications, like, and then moving more into Well, you know, adulthood, like what sort of the world of work, but like, also came to them, bring it up to your projects at the moment with a little bit of context behind that?
Isaac 20:43
Yeah, so I did, I did a levels in it media and business. And because I did media, I started getting more interested in video making a video editing. So the school gave me a program that I could use from home, because in school, they had MacBooks. And I had Learning Support assistants who weren't really good at computers. So I tried to teach them how to use the computer. And then also the Edit was going to be pretty much impossible. So they, the school kind of gave me a software that I use at home, where I could use my feet with the laptop. And that's when I kind of Massoud a bit more seriously of the video editing.
Martyn 21:23
Just the way you operate a laptop with your feet. Yeah,
Isaac 21:26
yes, yeah. So I do have my feet. And as it's just audio, I lay I lay on my side. And that's how I use the computer. No laptop, no special requirements. Just a normal laptop. And sometimes..
Martyn 21:40
like just in terms of using your feet to do stuff and the dexterity that must requires like practice forever. Right? That's been how it's been for you forever, right?
Isaac 21:50
Yeah, so I started off me playing video games actually. Yeah, using my feet with the controller and then I just adapted that skill to the laptop.
Martyn 22:00
What games does you play or do you still play?
Isaac 22:03
I don't play anymore but I was addicted to games and I played literally everything every event literally every sports games RPGs action adventure everything.
Martyn 22:14
nice. Yeah. A bit of a FIFA. I ended up getting a PS five over locked down
Isaac 22:20
Oh i know
Martyn 22:21
I've been like for the first time in my life because I had I've kind of hiatus from gaming with all the business stuff. I've been doing that all the travels I did. Both civil lockdown was out. I'm just gonna invest by finance the first time I've been actually playing other people online live. And I imagine that these people that are beating me like 5 million fee for property. 14 year old kids in my ps3. Yeah, yeah, I was I was well I had was my ps3. And then I never got a ps4. Yeah, just basically got the PS five, but now Yeah, so yeah, you kind of originally was gaming. And then I guess that way that you could use your feet to do that then translate with the laptop and the editing, right?
Isaac 23:04
Yeah. One skill transfers to the other.
Martyn 23:07
yeah. Yeah. Cool. So then, like workwise? And in what sort of the general? Have you ever any jobs you've done? Or like, what was the project will were basically I want to hear more about words, and we'll get into it.
Isaac 23:20
Okay, so,as I said, YouTube, vlogging vlogging on YouTube. So the software that the school gave me they never used before, so I had to learn everything from YouTube. So I self taught myself editing. And then I use those skills and teach of vlogging through my adventures, and in sailing, sky diving all the way out for fun to YouTube. And I just love editing, I'll go crazy with the editing out. I add sound effects, zoom ins, music, text, everything would all be spliced into these videos.
Martyn 23:57
They're just the title of the film. And would that be like the guidelines boxes, or carrier system that would or a friend that would be doing the film? And yeah,
Isaah 24:06
yeah, so it'd be a friend, family, whoever. Yeah, I want to shoot this now. And then
Martyn 24:11
you do the editing afterwards?
Isaac 24:13
Yeah. All myself. Yeah. So I'll be kind of like the producer, the actor, the film director
Martyn 24:20
and get this angle, get this angle
Isaac 24:24
Yeah. Yeah. And I absolutely loved the editing. And then I took a more professional, where I saved 25 people who could do anything. And then for my most recent work is the charity work. One place east. They work with people with disabilities and mental health conditions. And I was I did a few freelance stuff for them. And then they started a new project called one place creative. Where I was kind of an I was hired as a facilitator, so peer facilitator for workshops in the creative industries, getting those to learn about the creative industries. Right on top of that, I was tasked to film their journey, learning the learning these different skills on these different people. And then ever since then I've done videos for them, that also fill out for different clients.
Martyn 25:23
Yeah, yeah. It's a quite more freelance, in terms of employment. Yeah. That having said that, essentially, it's nice to have that that variety of clients and variety of projects, right?
Isaac 25:34
Yes, yeah. And I do like it. But I do think it's not for me contracted. It's not my thing. Like I love the people I work with and the stuff I do, but I think freelance as well when I go for the fact that you need to.
Mai Ling 25:51
I've always said the most valuable things I've ever done to increase my business and industry knowledge in a very specific niche of disabilities was always related to learning from other people, whether it was going to conferences, introducing myself and connecting directly with LinkedIn messages, or asking people for a warm referral, hearing other people's stories and finding pearls of wisdom has been a priceless part of my journey. And ultimately, my success with various offerings is directly related to these. That's definitely why I created this podcast for you. And also why 13 other amazing disability leaders and previous podcast guests join me to write a book for you for less than $15. So you can get intimate stories and priceless startup journeys from 14 exceptional disability leaders, including my co host of this podcast, Martyn Sibley. So I invite you to go to Amazon search for becoming an exceptional leader and get this book today. . .Now let's get back to our amazing interview,
Martyn 26:46
As you’ve already mentioned, nonetheless, is obviously can't see us on this video call but you've got wheels and wheelchairs and etc. Yeah, what is it? How did it come about? Just tell us more.
Isaac 26:56
So wheels and wheelchairs is an outdoor activity Sports Club, where rollerbladers roller skaters and wheelchair users go out together. And I am the current president of the organization. It started all the way back in 2012 when a French group for the 20th anniversary, challenged themselves to escape from Paris all the way to London for the Paralympic Games.
Martyn 27:26
Was this after drinking lots of alcohol.
Isaac 27:30
I thought I get the idea came about they just for you know, let's go for the Paralympic Games. Yeah, as it was in London
Martyn 27:38
to use roller skates
Isaac 27:41
to use roller skates
Martyn 27:43
Yeah, just to make it easier.
Isaac 27:45
Yeah. So they came for the Paralympic Games. And all these London status saw this and it was like, we got to start something here. And that's our Wilson blue chess was born. And I first known to buy at the end of 2018 when I went to Hyde Park for winter wonderland. Oh, yeah. I went on the ice rink with my wheelchair. And one of the ice marshals came up to me. And we just started talking. And he said, Oh, would you be interested in wheelchair roller skate? And I thought to myself, I've never heard of this before we can all sing. And yes, I emailed them, and they go back to me and show me some videos as I was really cool. Then nothing like this before. And then I emailed back and saying, Yeah, I'd love to do it. And then I didn't hear anything back for a while. I want to know what was going on. I don't know, like, really. And then a month later, I got an email back saying that, because I got contacted by the president at the time, who was really welcoming and saying, well, we look forward to seeing you. But then I found out a month later suddenly that they say we can add email and she unfortunately passed away. So I kind of made the group stop activities for a little bit. Yeah. Because of the loss. But anyhow, I did end up going and in really enjoying it went to Battersea Park, went around three times really enjoyed it when we've after on a Sunday and went for the Easter skate, where everyone dressed up as bunny rabbits and Easter costumes. Brilliant. Yeah. And that was fun with and that was my first time seeing London in a whole new light like staying on the street in London was like I've never seen London like this before. Yeah, oh videos, which I'll get to in a second. So I kind of got involved and because of my video editing, this was the first time that they had proper videos made because before they would do mobile videos, which will have a secondary this will be up on Facebook. So this was the first time that I kind of did. promo videos for that. To give more of an insight of what we go to Yeah, and then my I got quite involved. And when pretty much every month, we went to Paris and did it there skate and did a lot of activities. And then at the end of the year, it was the AGM because they have a committee. And I went to the committee, and because of my involvement, that they were looking for a new president, and they will turn their heads at me, and asked me for the take on the wall as the president, and therefore, you know, I've got big shoes to fill, because the previous president, everyone would say such nice things about her Her name was Janet. And I thought, okay, I, I see a lot potential what we can do. So I took the role. And now I'm president, first year of being knocked down a pandemic. Yeah, that's great. Yeah. But we still managed to do things like we still skated in Brighton. We went to bath to Bristol, some weeks, you know, we still managed to do things. Not as usual, but we still go out there and still did things.
Martyn 31:10
Yeah, that's cool. I just sort of thinking of how we can any of the listeners, if there's any sort of areas that you're needing support, like calls to action? I mean, obviously, the main purpose is to get people out roller skate and whatever ability right, and it's good for mental health, all that good stuff. Yeah. Is it a charity is?
Isaac 31:32
t's a it's a nonprofit organization.
Martyn 31:34
Yeah. Yeah. And then like, Is there a need for funds around that helping run the jet run, they're not for profit?
Isaac 31:42
So everything is voluntary. So all the skaters are willing to donating what we do pay for the wheelchairs? Yeah. and the front wheel. So for those who have not seen it, it's, it's a lightweight wheelchair. And then a third wheel is attached to the front. Yeah, to make it into like a sports chair. Yeah. And them alone. I like over grant. So we get those wheels from fundraising. Yeah. And also another thing that we do if we do trips abroad, or wheelchair users in their careers page,
Martyn 32:15
yeah, yeah, if anyone listening. So it's kind of fuzzy, I was gonna say if everyone listening is able to donate, and in fact, we'll share the links on the on the app, you know, the copy that goes with the podcast, but also, if you're listening, you're not in a position to donate, but just kind of help get the word out and share it with your networks. That'd be really great to support Isaac and Wheels in wheelchairs. And in that way, they know it's a phenomenal project that can really imagine the the benefits to everybody I've not, I wouldn't ever identified as like, roller skating, I'm always in my power chair, I've not got a lightweight one that I wouldn't add to the wheel you were talking about. But my chair goes quite fast. And I do go with my fiance and just friends and family and kind of get some fresh air. And that kind of cruising around moving around is just makes you feel so much better. And I know you were the other day in Cambridge on the bus way. I know we were LinkedIn messaging I live. It's actually in a smaller town near to Cambridge. But then we sometimes take that bus way with everyone. And when that doesn't know, the bus weighs like it's the buses go up and down it but it's there's no other traffic. It's sort of like, attached to this central kind of thing that holds the bus onto the track. So as long as I could change out, but for buses, it's really strange.
Isaac 33:40
Even skating faster, like, this is such a weird concept..
Martyn 33:44
Yeah. I think it was originally a train line that way back. But then yeah, ultimately, that the cycle when the pedestrian way, is like it's all really flat because where I live inside the fan land, and then yeah, it's really accessible for bikes, buggies, wheelchairs, whatever. So I've actually been up and down that exact strip in my wheelchair. And it's nice nature as well, raised quite clean. Yeah.
Isaac 34:10
Very, very beautiful. I do want to go back to London, because we have really bumpy roads and everything. That was the first time we've had a focus move surface from one end to the other.
Martyn 34:22
Yeah. And you get some sort of video on LinkedIn of that particular one. You get some speed on that chair with like the guys pushing you as Oh, right?
Isaac 34:31
Yeah, we can get pretty fast. Because the more behind the faster we go. Yeah. And it's more easier for the first person pushing but yeah, we can get some real speed on that.
Martyn 34:41
Yeah. So I need to Next up on the watch, as well. But that's amazing. I'm a little mindful of the time as a couple of bits just before we wrap that equal and dream ambassador, is it dream what was the one the other project you meant?
Isaac 35:00
uh dream factory
Martyn 35:02
In fact,You're an ambassador for the dream factory, right?
Isaac 35:04
Yes yes
Martyn 35:06
Can you tell us a bit more about that?
Isaac 35:08
So the charity dream factory brought to you for underprivileged children are common where he was. But when I was younger, I saw them in the exchange shopping center. And I was interested in what they were doing. And they said, Oh, if you'd be interested, we could write you a dream. And I said, Okay, I'll put some back then I was really into wrestling. I loved wrestling so much, I want you to go to a wrestling match, and meet a wrestler, or go up in a helicopter, as they're saying extra. So they can do the wrestling match by ended up going up in a helicopter. It was pretty cool. When the guy who funded my dream, I got to go to his house, and he had like this mansion, now. And especially in the mansion, and really lovely guy. And, yeah, that was a good experience. And then I kind of got more involved in activities. And he asked me to become an ambassador for them.
Martyn 36:09
Nice.,Nice. So I guess we'll try and get a link to that for anyone that you're interested in learning and reading more. But I mean, you've got many strings nearby, you're a busy guy. A lot of stuff going on, say, I suppose any last kind of thought is the obviously we've had that whole pandemic. And certain things I've been a bit on how everybody in different ways, but like, look into the future, I mean, any, any particular plans, any initiatives you want to share?
Isaac 36:37
Um, I feel that my main focus is the wheels and wheelchairs. And I wonder I would just love to see them worldwide. Because, you know, for me not knowing about eight years, you know, I would have loved to have done it sooner. And I'm sure there's loads of other people with disability to love it. And also for the roller skaters, I think they've benefited from it too. Yeah. Being able to do it together. So I'm kind of just pushing what we're doing, and no idea how we're going to get there. But with most of my life, I just call opportunities and go with the flow really, wherever it takes us.
Martyn 37:12
And it just I mean, selfish question, really. But like, do you have any people that do empower jazz that roller skating? Is it so manual?
Isaac 37:22
It’s all manual,Yeah
Martyn 37:25
I'd love to try and get a manual chair, then
Isaac 37:28
Well, you can still join us
Martyn 37:30
Yeah, I said the tag going fast. But it definitely doesn't get to this page. You didn't do the other day
Isaac 37:36
watch? You know, of course your check. Oh, that was the blog when you're racing. Don't..
Martyn 37:43
I have my chained the laptop in the control box. I was like, Yeah, I can make it go faster if you want. I need. Exactly, exactly. Alright, my Well, it's it's been really nice to chat. And yeah, just just love what you're doing. And I say the big thing is that that positivity, so just keep shining bright, and, you know, inspiring everyone. And I know you're making such a big change and positive difference in the world. So just really good to connect with you, Isaac.
Isaac 38:14
And thank you so much for having me on your platform and let this be close to do more collaborations in the future.
Martyn 38:21
100% totally agree with that.
Mai Ling 38:26
Thanks so much for joining us for this episode. And I invite you to connect with me directly at We also want you to let us know what you think about the show ideas and how we can continue to help you or referrals to a great guest through our Facebook group at exceptional leaders podcast or email us at xleaderspodcast at
Martyn 38:47
Yes, Mai Ling I totally agree. I know we're both really mission driven people. And for me, it's always been this big mission, to have a world that's fully inclusive for all people. And in the end, that's probably why we've bonded and come together so well on this podcast, exceptional leaders podcast, because we get to meet cool people, give them a platform to share their story and really just make such an impact on the disability. Love it. Also, for everyone listening please do head over to This is the magazine that I co founded about 10 years ago. And we've got a free mailing list there for all the latest article news, discounts for the shop, if that's your kind of thing. And definitely definitely do get your copy of becoming an exceptional leader. We want you to get as much information as you need and to be as successful as you can be.

Isaac Harvey
My name is Isaac Harvey, I was born with a disability called limb pelvic hypo aplasia which in short means I have no arms and short legs.
I have been a mentor for people with disabilities, I have become an ambassador for a few charities and I have become a motivational speaker sharing my story. I am the president of an organisation called Wheels and Wheelchairs which is a group of roller skaters pushing wheelchair users.