Comedian and screenwriter Greg Roque joins the show today for an insightful conversation with James. As a teen, Greg had a spinal injury which paralyzed him and he brings his unique perspective on life as a disabled person to his comedy. He shares...
Comedian and screenwriter Greg Roque joins the show today for an insightful conversation with James. As a teen, Greg had a spinal injury which paralyzed him and he brings his unique perspective on life as a disabled person to his comedy. He shares with us a little about his approach to comedy, where the line is for comedy about disability, and the accessibility challenges he’s faced as a comic in a wheelchair.
Contact Mai Ling: MLC at
Contact James: James at
MFA, Comic
A Los Angeles comic who navigates the physical and philosophical inaccessibilities of the world. Armed with nothing but his wheelchair and his self-deprecation Greg Roque challenges the conventions of contemporary society through his unique deconstructions of pop culture, politics, sex, and disability. He’s been featured on Comedy Central, Amazon Prime, and Netflix.
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