Erich Reiter

Erich Reiter Profile Photo

CEO of SAY IT Labs

Erich holds a M.Sc. in Speech and Communication Disorders from the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions, and an Computational Linguistics from the University of Buffalo. Erich started his career in 2004 working as a speech recognition engineer in the Silicon Valley for Nuance Communications, the original makers of SIRI. In 2012 after losing a friend to ALS, a new interest in technology for people with speech disorders emerged. Erich left Nuance in 2014 to pursue a career as a speech and language pathologist.
In 2019, Erich co-founded Say It Labs where he now combines his knowledge of artificial intelligence, speech recognition, and speech and language pathology to create speech-controlled video games for people with speech disorders.

Since the inception of Say It Labs, Erich has been a keynote speaker at the European Stuttering Specialization (formerly ECSF), and a speaker at the Oxford Dysfluency conference, the World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering, and the National A.I. Institute for Exceptional Education.

Oct. 21, 2024

Stuttering AI-Gaming Magic with Erich Reiter

Today, we are happy to share a fascinating conversation with speech recognition scientist, speech and language pathologist, and CEO of Say It Labs, Erich Reiter. James chats with Erich about the founding of Say It Labs, a company that develops …

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