Harnessing the Power of AI for SLP Reports with Michelle Boisvert

Dr. Michelle Boisvert joins this episode of the show for an informative conversation with Mai Ling. Using her expertise as a Speech-Language Pathologist, Michelle co-founded easyReportPRO.com to address some of the challenges that SLPs face which she...
Dr. Michelle Boisvert joins this episode of the show for an informative conversation with Mai Ling. Using her expertise as a Speech-Language Pathologist, Michelle co-founded easyReportPRO.com to address some of the challenges that SLPs face which she knew could be simplified with the use of technology. She talks about what easyReportPRO is, how it works by incorporating AI, and the impetus to start the platform. Mai Ling also asks her about how she built her team, the future of AI in healthcare, and thoughts on other uses of AI in the SLP arena.
Contact Mai Ling: MLC at mailingchan.com
Contact James: James at slptransitions.com
James Berges 00:01
My stomach sank sitting in an IEP, realizing I'd written the wrong name on one of my speech, language, and hearing reports. I hoped the parent wouldn't see it. Luckily, they didn't, and I had time to print a new one.
James Berges 00:12
But after that blunder, I made sure to spend extra time combing through my reports and get those little details right. But it's tedious and painstaking process sometimes to write these long reports. That's why for May Speech, Language, and Hearing Month, our May interviewed Michelle Boisvert, who created Easy Report Pro, which is a software program that uses AI to let you generate reports and pull all your data from your own templates to make it a breeze.
Michelle Boisvert 00:45
AI is a pretty powerful tool, but it has to be used strategically when we're thinking about how we're using it for diagnostic report writing. Because with reports, things have to be accurate, they have to be error -free, that we have to know what they say because we're delivering these legal documents to teams.
Mai Ling Chan 01:08
Welcome to the Exceptional Leaders Podcast. I'm Mai Ling Chan, and together with James Berges, we're getting you top tips and resources for building and scaling your disability -focused offerings straight from the forefront of disability advocacy and leadership.
Mai Ling Chan 01:28
Yeah, James, as speech -language pathologists, we spend so much time report writing, whether you're in the schools, clinics, hospitals, wherever, and we do use templates. Shh, don't tell anybody. But we copy -paste, you know, there's a lot of these phrases or things that just work that don't have to be customized.
Mai Ling Chan 01:45
And she makes this so much easy using this new software that she has. And then she also helps us to balance ethics and privacy and even customization to be able to say that, you know, you're working with this very, very specific person and you don't have that issue of using the wrong name.
Mai Ling Chan 02:01
But this is just, it's a fantastic episode. And I really hope that our listener is listening for ways that they can use AI in, you know, their daily workflow.
James Berges 02:11
Yeah, and if you want to deep dive more into AI beyond just this episode, our last episode was all about the foundations, right? So understanding the ethics of it, understanding when you can and can't use it or when it's best to use generative AI.
James Berges 02:26
And you know, your students are already using it. If you're in schools Mai Ling, didn't you talk to some high school students recently? What did they tell you about that?
Mai Ling Chan 02:35
Yeah, I have to say, I was definitely getting all excited, and we need to start thinking about using an AI, and how would you use it? And I was immediately, it was brought to my attention, like, whoa, this is not the place for that, because we are watching for that at this stage and at this level.
Mai Ling Chan 02:52
And that is exactly what I keep saying, is this is an adjunct to your expertise, to your professionalism, to what you already have learned, because you need to be the one that is checking the AI. And that is so important, you know, it's like, it's still at a 40% error rate, James.
James Berges 03:09
Yeah, that's, you know, it's like with self -driving cars, it's like already better than people as far as accidents rates go, but it's still weird to trust it completely. And now we're talking about a clinical field, which, you know, it's not life or death like self -driving cars, but it can be the difference in clinical judgment and making sure someone gets the right accommodations and, you know, we can't outsource it completely.
James Berges 03:32
So hopefully this technology will help us do the things we do well and more human, more humanely, not outsource our clinical judgment.
Mai Ling Chan 03:42
Yes and I have to share that we did take a Waymo home the other day from the airport and it did not get on the highway which added another like 15 minutes onto our trip so that was interesting so it's not ready for you know 50 -60 miles an hour yet.
Mai Ling Chan 03:55
I saw a video where-
James Berges 03:57
In Arizona
Mai Ling Chan 03:58
this is here. Yeah, I wanted to say this is here in Arizona, because I don't think it's everywhere in the country yet. So we are one of the major test places.
James Berges 04:06
Nice. Yeah, I got the app when I was visiting San Francisco, but I was on the wait list, so I want to try it. But I did see a video where, you know, a policeman is waving cars to go around the scene or an accident.
James Berges 04:19
And the Waymo got confused and went pull over. And the cop was saying, you need to pull over, like, go over the side. And the people in the backseat are going, we have no control. We don't. We're in a Waymo.
James Berges 04:30
It's self -driving. So, you know, these things all are interesting and we got to get the foundations of them. And it's fun to be I like to be an early adopter of new technology. I'm guessing most of our listeners are in that camp as well.
James Berges 04:46
But it's fun. And we have to tread with caution and look out for those those yield signs as it were. But yeah, if you want to learn more about AI, listen to our last episode. And while we're plugging things, you should definitely go to our Instagram, which is at XLeaders podcast.
James Berges 05:06
There we have highlight clips that you might not hear in listening to the full episode. Maybe you don't have time. You just want to get the highlights. Go there. And we used to have a huge, not huge, but we had a much bigger following and then Instagram took away our account without telling us why.
James Berges 05:21
So it would mean a lot to us if you go there and it will help you connect with other exceptional leaders. Follow like, subscribe, turn on notifications. Do all the things. You know the deal. Yeah.
James Berges 05:37
Cool. Well, with that, let's let's hear more about making speech language and hearing reports simple with AI with Michelle Boisvert.
Mai Ling Chan 05:49
I am really excited because we have a guest here today to represent National Speech Language Hearing Month. And that's a change for our listeners who are species. It was Better Hearing and Speech Month.
Mai Ling Chan 06:00
Now it is National Speech Language Hearing Month, all of these things to know. But I want to welcome Michelle Boibert and it's really exciting to me because I was able to spotlight her and all the amazing things that she's doing with AI for speech therapy in my recent course for speechtherapypd .com.
Mai Ling Chan 06:17
So welcome Michelle.
Michelle Boisvert 06:19
Well, thank you so much for having me here and it's always such a pleasure to talk with you and look to see what you're doing and how you're bringing all of this really exciting information and technology to speech and language pathologists.
Michelle Boisvert 06:31
So thank you.
Mai Ling Chan 06:32
having me. Thank you. I am so glad that I found you, and it's through our good friend, Narissa Hall. And that's another amazing thing I want to say for our listeners is the relationships that you make with people, they're so important.
Mai Ling Chan 06:45
And keeping those friendships and nurturing those collaborations and things that you can do, you just never know when opportunities are going to come up. And Michelle is a perfect example of this. Nerissa has been thinking of people and saying, you know, I really think you should meet with this person.
Mai Ling Chan 06:59
And it turns out just a wonderful collaboration. So thank you, Nerissa. Welcome, Michelle. I want to just point out that we are in May of 2024, and AI is exploding in speech therapy, speak to language pathology.
Mai Ling Chan 07:13
I just went to my national or my state convention for Arizona. And we had Tiffany Hines did a wonderful presentation on AI. And there were so many people in the room who hadn't used it yet. But it's growing.
Mai Ling Chan 07:27
So let's say like 60% of the people have dabbled on it. But what is really, really interesting about Michelle is that she's not just dabbling. She is creating software specifically for speech language pathologists.
Mai Ling Chan 07:39
And it is out there. It is robust. People are using it and benefiting from it. And so that's what I really want to get into today. So Michelle, welcome. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
Michelle Boisvert 07:52
Sure. So I am a school -based speech and language pathologist. And I have specifically worked with elementary students and high school students in rural areas. And actually, when I first kind of started dabbling with technology in general for our field, it was with telepractice.
Michelle Boisvert 08:13
And this is like way back in 2008, when I was getting my PhD, I looked to see how we could use telepractice to extend clinical services, and started a company using telepractice, and then have such a keen interest in how clinicians can have access to new technologies to make their clinical lives better, which kind of rolls into making their entire life better, that work -life balance.
Michelle Boisvert 08:44
Absolutely. And so that has always been a really huge interest of mine, which kind of dovetails beautifully into the software platform that we developed, which is using technology, specifically automation and AI, to speed up the way that diagnostic reports are drafted and generated and written.
Michelle Boisvert 09:07
Mai Ling Chan 09:07
Let me just jump in there. Technology is very broad term. We're saying software, so we can log in. We can program things. You and I are obviously techies, and some of the people listening might be techies.
Mai Ling Chan 09:18
You want it to do A and B, and it does that. You can put in another piece of information, and then it'll say, if this, then that. It's very basic technology stuff. When did you see the opportunity and the power of what artificial intelligence could do for basic reporting?
Mai Ling Chan 09:38
This has got to be a two -year runway. This is just really interesting.
Michelle Boisvert 09:42
Right. So, I first kind of discovered AI through this app called Jasper. I don't know if you're familiar with this. This is Jasper. Yes. Yes. So, I mean, this is what, maybe a year and a half ago. And just kind of like discovering how it works.
Michelle Boisvert 10:01
This was way before chat GPT came out. But, you know, you had to like subscribe to it. You had to like, it was only for a very specific purpose. It was nothing that could be integrated with, at least that I know of, that could be integrated with existing software.
Michelle Boisvert 10:17
However, once ChatGPT came out, that kind of changed the whole game. And so, very quickly, we realized, our team at Easy Report Pro realized that AI is a pretty powerful tool, but it has to be used strategically when we're thinking about how we're using it for diagnostic report writing.
Michelle Boisvert 10:39
Because with reports, like things have to be accurate, they have to be error free, that we have to know what they say because we're delivering these legal documents to teams. Generative AI, while it's super cool, you know, sometimes it gives you what you want, but sometimes it's a little bit creative.
Mai Ling Chan 10:59
Michelle, can you expand on specifically what generative AI is?
Michelle Boisvert 11:04
Sure. So generative AI is a language model that when you give it a command or give it a request, it will respond to it like it is a kind of like almost like you're talking to a person. And so you can ask it to act as a particular role.
Michelle Boisvert 11:23
You can ask it to create a particular scenario, which makes it beautiful for therapy creation. You can also ask it the way that we use generative AI is we use it in combination with some of our automated features in our platform to increase and improve flow and cohesion of say checklist or descriptive information.
Michelle Boisvert 11:48
And so, yeah, there's all sorts of different ways that we can use it. But my thought on how we're using AI, especially again for diagnostic report writing, is using it very strategically and making sure we're very transparent in what parts of the report are generated through AI.
Mai Ling Chan 12:05
Interesting. Okay, so for a listener, and I'm just going to try to put this in more layman's terms, I know we're all techie, is when you go to Google and you do a search, it'll go out and it'll get that information, it'll curate it back and give you the links back to specifically places where you can find the information.
Mai Ling Chan 12:23
And what Michelle's doing with this technology is instead of just getting information and putting it in front of you that you can now use, it is actually taking the information and almost digesting it, reviewing it, compiling it, and then creating, generating new content for you, which is really interesting because when we're looking at doing report writing, especially for speech language pathology, one of the things that we are so committed to is uniqueness, individualization, customization to the client, to the person that we're working with.
Mai Ling Chan 12:57
And so this is a very, very delicate type of way of doing something in that we are kind of giving it up to technology to compile, to recommend, to summarize. These are all the words I'm thinking of, Michelle, for a report.
Mai Ling Chan 13:17
And Michelle and her team, because they are speech language pathologists and because they abide by the Ashokod of ethics and they have excellence in their clinical work, they were able to create a program that actually has the AI technology that is also going to be working at that same level of expertise.
Mai Ling Chan 13:36
Is that correct, Michelle?
Michelle Boisvert 13:38
Absolutely. So the way that our AI works is really, when I think about it, it kind of falls into the realm of intelligent automation. So our platform uses automation to take customized templates and pull the exact information that a unique clinician needs based upon their assessment for their unique client and pull it into a report format.
Michelle Boisvert 14:05
Automation, as I mentioned, is really beautiful because you know exactly what you're going to get. But there are some components of our reports, say, for example, background information, communication description, even educational history, that in our platform was kind of a checklist based.
Michelle Boisvert 14:23
So a clinician would go in, they would check off some of their observations. Our platform using automation, which kind of string those selections together and create a paragraph. Great. But the flow and the cohesion really wasn't there.
Michelle Boisvert 14:40
With generative AI, however, it took that input, it took that information that that clinician selected and improved the flow and cohesion, it didn't change the information, but it just improved the readability of it, and then put it right into the report.
Michelle Boisvert 14:59
And the clinicians can, you know, automate draft that report, and off they go. And having that AI kind of just like fuse into our platform has been a game changer has really been pretty remarkable of what we could do.
Mai Ling Chan 15:14
Excellent. Now, I just did research for that presentation that I did. And I'm finding that as of right now, again, we are in and we're recording this at the end of April 2024, that chat DPT is showing almost a 40% error rate.
Mai Ling Chan 15:29
So that's so important for us to know, you know, in terms of accuracy. And if we're copying and pasting this stuff into places, you know, our name is on it. Absolutely. And so how are you increasing the accuracy?
Mai Ling Chan 15:41
Or how are you dealing with that within the generative portions?
Michelle Boisvert 15:45
There's two major ways that we are addressing this. First is when we trained our AI, we specifically trained it to not change any of the core content of what was selected, but to only improve flow and cohesion.
Michelle Boisvert 16:02
That was it. Then the other way that we're doing it is anything in our platform that was generated from AI is highlighted in the report when you copy and paste it, is highlighted in red. Of course, you can go and change that color, but we really wanted to make it incredibly easy for clinicians to pinpoint what parts were generated through AI, so they could have their expert clinical lens making sure they spend a little bit of extra time reviewing that part of the report to make sure it accurately reflects what they want to present in the report.
Mai Ling Chan 16:40
And I love that. And I literally highlighted that you had provided a video for us. And I specifically showed that, you know, you're not trying to embed or hide the AI portion of this, you know, you're being as transparent as possible.
Mai Ling Chan 16:56
And using the color red, you know, that's a warning color, especially for us healthcare workers, right? It read his blood. Whoa, there's red on my screen. Yeah. So I thought that was really interesting, Michelle, that you weren't like this happy blue, like, hey, here's your, you know, AI description portion for you.
Mai Ling Chan 17:11
Just take a look. This was like, hey, before you move on, you better take a look at this. Exactly. Brilliant. Yeah. Thank you. Yes. Yeah. So that's fantastic. So let's talk about the technology. So you are a speech language pathologist.
Mai Ling Chan 17:23
And I love saying this about most of the people who are listening to the show is that we are not MBA, you know, graduates, right? We're not business people. We are not coders. You know, we are not marketers, all of these things.
Mai Ling Chan 17:34
And you've done such an excellent job with your team. And so let's get a little bit into the business side. You know, how did you get started? How did you get funding? You know, how did you build your team?
Michelle Boisvert 17:43
Sure. So, well, let's see how we got started. So the reason why we wanted to build a platform like this, it was really out of personal dire need. As a practicing speech and language pathologist, you know the majority of us bring work home.
Michelle Boisvert 18:01
And I was one of those people, and I was also a person who has pretty profound anxiety around having people see and like specifically highlight errors in written work. Raising my hands. I know, like it happened.
Michelle Boisvert 18:21
And it happened to me really early on in middle school, where I was like, in my mind, like pretty humiliated when somebody like literally brought something I had written, like highlighted all of the errors in it.
Michelle Boisvert 18:34
And I felt a lot of stress and anxiety. And I kind of brought that forward into my clinical life. And then, you know, in my mid 30s, having a young family, bringing work home, and just seeing how unhealthy this lack of work life balance was really kind of guided me to search for a platform like this.
Michelle Boisvert 18:57
Like I'm like, there's got to be a platform where I can have my own customized templates automated. And I searched and I searched and I there were some platforms out there that enabled me to use their templates.
Michelle Boisvert 19:10
But I wanted my templates that I worked, you know, I built for years, I had all that anxiety and I they were all perfect. And I, you know, wanted to use my own resources in an automated format. And of course, there wasn't something like that out there.
Michelle Boisvert 19:26
So I recruited my husband, who is a computer programmer. And we started building the kind of initial platform that rolled into easy report pro. And we collaborated with a lot of clinicians and really listened to clinicians.
Michelle Boisvert 19:43
And I think that's one thing that makes the software really unique, is that it's not a bunch of programmers developing it. Of course, we needed the programmers, but it was really driven and guided by a group of SLPs who work hard every day who bring work home every day and who needed a really common sense solution.
Michelle Boisvert 20:06
And so that's how we did it. And so it's been, we haven't received any outside funding. And so it's really been a kind of a grassroots development process that has kind of rolled into this really amazing, cool system.
Mai Ling Chan 20:23
Fantastic. That's how most of our products and services and all of these offerings are happening in our space because we see a need like you did. We fill a gap that we are experiencing ourselves. There's so much passion in this space.
Mai Ling Chan 20:40
It's incredible. Thank you so much. I'm sure this has been an amazing journey for you. I always love to say that no one sees the iceberg on the bottom. They just see that upward trajectory. Just wondering, how has this journey been for you?
Michelle Boisvert 20:56
it's been such a learning curve. So I'm a clinician, I am not a marketer, I'm not a developer. And so, but because this is such a passion project for me, I have wanted to learn everything. So I learned a little bit of HTML coding.
Michelle Boisvert 21:14
Of course, I don't do all of the like a high end database integration. I learned about social media, I learned about marketing, I learned about word of mouth networking, you know, I learned about all of these things, and I'm still absolutely learning.
Michelle Boisvert 21:30
And I think for a lot of business owners, especially when they do startups, they think like immediately, they have this awesome idea, it is immediately going to be fantastic, everybody's going to see it in the same way we see it.
Michelle Boisvert 21:43
But it takes time. And so I think learning patience, learning to be humble with this project has been a pretty remarkable experience that I've been able to get. And it's also pretty nice seeing this type of platform work for a single clinician, who has a private practice, or for a team of 100 clinicians who, you know, have a much bigger practice and want a unified structured approach to their report writing.
Michelle Boisvert 22:12
Mai Ling Chan 22:13
That actually makes me think, have there been other areas, features, things like that people have brought up to you that you hadn't thought about that you've ended up including?
Michelle Boisvert 22:21
Yes. Oh, my gosh. I'm so glad you asked this. In fact, one of our most popular tools or features of the platform is that based on the scores that a clinician puts in, you can generate an automatic bell curve.
Michelle Boisvert 22:35
So it will kind of place the scores right on a bell curve chart. And clinicians are, you know, can print this out. They can have it be part of their reports, but it really helps as a nice way to explain to teams, to people who might not be familiar with standardized scores, like kind of how their client, how their student is performing based on others of the same age.
Michelle Boisvert 22:58
And that tool, which is, again, one of our most popular things was a suggestion from somebody who emailed us and they're like, is there any way that you could do that platform could do this? And we're like, let's think about this.
Michelle Boisvert 23:13
How can we do this? And we were able to do it. That is fantastic. Yeah, we love feedback. We take it so seriously. And again, we want Easy Report Pro to be a platform that works. We just don't want to say it works.
Michelle Boisvert 23:27
We want it to actually be effective and powerful for people.
Mai Ling Chan 23:33
If you're like me, you can't get enough of books, podcasts, blogs, and other ways to find out how to create, grow, and scale. That's why I brought together 43 disability -focused leaders to give you more of what you're looking for.
Mai Ling Chan 23:46
You will hear their stories in three best -selling books, which focus on general offerings, augmentative and alternative communication, and speech -language pathology. I invite you to search for Becoming an Exceptional Leader on Amazon, so you can learn intimate start -up pearls of wisdom, and keep growing your brilliant idea.
Mai Ling Chan 24:07
Now, let's get back to our amazing interview. So, thinking of competition, I think that right now there are other software programs out there, like they are EMRs, and then you can also, right, so what makes yours different?
Michelle Boisvert 24:20
Yes, there are other companies out there that do this and there are some companies out there that will automate a test right up. So say you have, I don't know, whatever it is, the castle, the owls, the self, you can put in your scores and it will just generate the test right up using their template.
Michelle Boisvert 24:41
There are some other companies out there that do have the entire report kind of templates that you can use and whether it's through answering questions or putting in data or whatever, it will generate a lot of your report for you using their resources.
Michelle Boisvert 24:59
Again, I think what was really important for us is to capitalize on automation, but also realize the value in customization. So a lot of speech and language pathologists want to use their own templates and also they should have access to new technologies such as automation to make the use of their own templates streamlined and error -free.
Michelle Boisvert 25:26
And so for us, I think that's what makes us really unique. We use automation and we also have the ability for clinicians to customize or even add in their own resources as well as develop their own report structures.
Michelle Boisvert 25:40
And so that's a little bit different and that's what Easy Report Pro can offer clinicians.
Mai Ling Chan 25:46
Excellent. I love that. And you brought this up a couple times. And again, for the listener, I just want to clarify EMR is the electronic medical records. I brought that one up. But what you've been talking about is being able to put in your own templates.
Mai Ling Chan 25:57
And what I'm thinking is there are different school districts that have different areas or specific components that need to be in there or specific lines, you know, phrases that must be in there, same thing with hospitals.
Mai Ling Chan 26:09
And so you're absolutely right that if there is a set report that comes out, that means that that's great, because it has like 80% of what you need. But then you have to take the time to go back in and edit and add all of those things in there versus having your template to start with, and then the software adds in all the other pieces.
Mai Ling Chan 26:29
Is that correct?
Michelle Boisvert 26:30
Absolutely. Yes. And that's true whether it's with some districts have particular guidelines, hospital states have particular guidelines. And so one report template doesn't fit all. Like, we're a diverse set of clinicians.
Michelle Boisvert 26:44
We work in so many different populations with so many different types of clients. And so it's so important for us to be able to tailor templates to meet our specific needs.
Mai Ling Chan 26:56
Excellent. Okay, one last question and I feel like you are a tech guru now. So what do you see for the future of technology in speech language pathology and healthcare in general?
Michelle Boisvert 27:07
Yeah, so I absolutely think AI is going to play a huge role in speech and language pathology and healthcare in general. With respect to report writing, I love the idea of intelligent automation, which is combining automation with AI.
Michelle Boisvert 27:25
And that's kind of something that our platform does through that checklist format. It's using the automation features and AI. But I think we're going to really see these types of technology really infused into so many different elements of our field, and I think it's our responsibility to learn how to leverage these types of technology so we can focus our expertise on the parts of our job that really need our expertise that can't be automated, that should not be kind of filtered through AI.
Michelle Boisvert 28:00
So I feel like as clinicians and anybody in the allied health field, we've got to learn how to leverage technology so we can really focus our expertise.
Mai Ling Chan 28:13
Excellent, so thinking about this one piece that I've heard, there are other programs that can listen in on a session and it can do the phonetic transcription, that's fantastic. Just wondering what your thoughts are.
Mai Ling Chan 28:25
Let's say we have Jasper, AI assistant, listening in on a session and an evaluation and doing diagnostic recommendations, maybe also listening for voice anomalies, analysis. What do you think of that?
Michelle Boisvert 28:39
I think it's really, really cool, very remarkable. But I really think we shouldn't take away from the clinical expertise that's going to be needed to review that data, to make sure it's accurate, and to make sure it reflects what we thought in terms of our clinical judgment while we were there in the moment, evaluating that client or that patient, that student.
Michelle Boisvert 29:00
So I think it serves as a wonderful assistant, but it does not take away from the need of clinical expertise and clinical judgment.
Mai Ling Chan 29:08
And that brings me to our students. So our students have access, you know, they're in their master's programs and yes, they have access to chat GPT and I know that universities are really trying to, you know, put regulations and guidelines around it because, you know, we feel that our clinical expertise is built on clinical foundations, right?
Mai Ling Chan 29:28
And so that experiencing things for the first time and people learn so many different ways, you know, feeling, seeing, hearing experiential, you know, all of that. And so what do you think about students using these types of programs like yours right at the beginning?
Mai Ling Chan 29:44
I mean, is it helping or hindering?
Michelle Boisvert 29:46
Well, oh my gosh. So I ultimately think it helps. I think it helps because it offloads some of the cognitive load of formatting, manual work, copy, pasting, all of those things. So it could help them improve their critical thinking skills.
Michelle Boisvert 30:04
But I think the technology really needs to be used strategically. I think students need to be taught when and where this type of technology is appropriate. And I almost feel like their need, like I kind of think back to when we started using a computer for a word processor.
Michelle Boisvert 30:24
Did it take away our skills, our writing skills, when we went from writing to paper pencil to working on a word processor? And part of me starts to wonder, as we start incorporating these new uses of technology, these are just different tools that students are being able, they have access to.
Michelle Boisvert 30:45
Once they go out into the field, they're going to be using. And I think it's really important for us as educators to teach them how to, again, ethically use these tools. So, thank you.
Mai Ling Chan 30:57
Exactly. So much responsibility. With great responsibility. With great power comes great responsibility. Yeah, right. Excellent. Well, thank you so, so much. Could you give us a little teaser of what might be coming in the future for Easy Report Pro?
Michelle Boisvert 31:11
Sure. So well, Easy Report Pro, we are continuing to grow and to expand. We are improving and increasing our library based on what people are asking for. So right now, we are focused really with speech and language pathologists, but we are expanding to occupational therapy, psychology, physical therapy.
Michelle Boisvert 31:33
We are going to continue to refine and use AI to help improve that flow and cohesion of some of our materials and embed other different features. We have charts, we have tables, and we're just going to continue to work on providing the tools that clinicians need so they can deliver really high quality professional reports to their teams.
Mai Ling Chan 31:59
Excellent. I personally love charts, tables, graphs, all of that. Me too. Yes. When you can put that into a report and the parent gets to see the growth or the movement, I just think that's a wow.
Michelle Boisvert 32:10
Okay, I want to say one other thing, one other pretty exciting thing that we are doing is we're also collaborating with other experts in the field to create like really expert focused content. So you mentioned Dr.
Michelle Boisvert 32:24
Nerissa Hall at the beginning of this podcast, she's actually collaborated with us to develop the communication matrix on our platform. So we are reaching out and working with again, experts in different fields to be able to create content that can be used through the platform so clinicians can have access to that.
Mai Ling Chan 32:46
Beautiful I love that integration and collaboration that's excellent. Yes. So how can we stay in touch with you and continue to watch all of the changes?
Michelle Boisvert 32:54
So you can check us out online. Our website is easy report pro .com. We are on social media under the handle of easy report pro. So on Instagram, Facebook, you can find me on LinkedIn. I'm with under Dr.
Michelle Boisvert 33:12
Michelle Boivare and YouTube. And we always again love those that collaboration, love that feedback, love that dialogue.
Mai Ling Chan 33:20
Excellent. And I am very honored. I want to thank you. You accepted me as an affiliate. And so far listeners. Yes. If you are interested, please go to easy report pro .com. And if you end up moving forward with the software, I think they just have to type my name, right?
Mai Ling Chan 33:33
They do Mai Ling Mai Ling. And I don't, do you know what they get? Is it like a box?
Michelle Boisvert 33:38
Yes, they get streamers and fashion guys. So what they get with using your promo code, they will get instant access to our AI. So right now our AI is for paid subscribers only. And using your code, they will get an extra month and also instantly get access to the AI feature.
Mai Ling Chan 34:03
Yay. All right. Well, this has been fantastic. Thank you so much, Michelle, for leading us and providing us with a safe space to learn about AI and to integrate AI in our clinical practice. Thank you.
Mai Ling Chan 34:15
Thank you.
Michelle Boisvert 34:16
Well, thank you so much for having me and for talking about this. This has been really wonderful.
Mai Ling Chan 34:22
We hope you enjoyed this episode and invite you to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and share the show with people you think will find value from it. This helps the show a lot. Or have a great guest referral, reach out to us at xleaders at gmail .com.
Speaker 4 34:38
And if you want exclusive tips on becoming an exceptional leader, deliver straight to your inbox, just go to ExceptionalLeaders .com and sign up for our Mai Ling list. Thanks for listening.

Michelle Boisvert
Dr. Michelle Boisvert, CCC-SLP, combines her expertise as a Speech-Language Pathologist with a passion for integrating technology, such as automation and AI, in both clinical and school-based therapy settings. Her background in education has been vital in redefining the delivery of speech therapy services. Michelle's insight into the challenges clinicians face, particularly in managing workloads and advancing student outcomes, reflects her dedication to practical innovations.
Co-founding easyReportPRO.com marks a significant milestone in Michelle's career. Her role in shaping this platform has been essential in modernizing the report-writing process for clinicians. The software, known for its automated and customizable templates and extensive library, ensures both accuracy and efficiency in clinical report writing. Michelle's involvement with easyReportPRO.com highlights her commitment to improving clinical practices through smart, practical technology solutions.