Today, we are happy to share a fascinating conversation with speech recognition scientist, speech and language pathologist, and CEO of Say It Labs, Erich Reiter. James chats with Erich about the founding of Say It Labs, a company that develops speech...
Today, we are happy to share a fascinating conversation with speech recognition scientist, speech and language pathologist, and CEO of Say It Labs, Erich Reiter. James chats with Erich about the founding of Say It Labs, a company that develops speech recognition-based
video games designed for people with speech disorders. They also talk about how AI integration into these video games is such a huge benefit for both SLPs and those using the games, as well as some of the science behind the causes of stuttering and why it’s important to understand. Join us for this deep dive, info-packed discussion.
Contact Mai Ling: MLC at
Contact James: James at
CEO of SAY IT Labs
Erich holds a M.Sc. in Speech and Communication Disorders from the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions, and an Computational Linguistics from the University of Buffalo. Erich started his career in 2004 working as a speech recognition engineer in the Silicon Valley for Nuance Communications, the original makers of SIRI. In 2012 after losing a friend to ALS, a new interest in technology for people with speech disorders emerged. Erich left Nuance in 2014 to pursue a career as a speech and language pathologist.
In 2019, Erich co-founded Say It Labs where he now combines his knowledge of artificial intelligence, speech recognition, and speech and language pathology to create speech-controlled video games for people with speech disorders.
Since the inception of Say It Labs, Erich has been a keynote speaker at the European Stuttering Specialization (formerly ECSF), and a speaker at the Oxford Dysfluency conference, the World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering, and the National A.I. Institute for Exceptional Education.
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