Virtual Occupational Therapy with Georgia Vine

Virtual Occupational Therapy with Georgia Vine
In this episode, Mai Ling and Martyn share a few updates with you and then Martyn sits down with occupational therapy student and disability blogger, Georgia Vine, for a conversation. Georgia shares some experiences with living with cerebral palsy, why she chose to enter the field of occupational therapy, and about her blog,
Becoming an Exceptional Leader book:
Contact Mai Ling: MLC at
Contact James: James at
Introduction 00:00
I love blogging about being a disabled health care student and raising awareness about online communities and why virtual health care is so important.
Martyn 00:19
Welcome to Xceptional Leaders with Mai Ling and Martyn where we spotlight high profile topics, and amazing people who are changing the world view on disability I am Martyn Sibley from And
Mai Ling 00:32
I'm Mai Ling Chan, and you can find me at And today's episode highlights Georgia Vine (, who's an occupational therapist with a very interesting background.
Martyn 00:41
Very interesting indeed. There is a lot going on in this interview. And I think I know it's one close to your heart as well as isn’t its Mai Ling?
Mai Ling 00:50
Absolutely, as therapists, you know, we approach therapy and we approach our careers from very different backgrounds. Some of us have had personal experiences, you know, let's say with a family member, some of us have had personal experiences needing that type of therapy. That's why I found George's background and her information so very interesting, Martyn, how did you find her?
Martyn 01:11
Literally social media actually, as some people I've spoken to, you know, where I kind of know them like Srin obviously was my co-founder in a couple of businesses, some sort of randomly meet in conferences or real life, they have never met Georgia in person and just kept coming up on social media more and more. And I was like, Wow, really interesting backstory, a lot of passion. I think I was quite taken by that. It's sort of me putting myself in an older bracket with this statement, but a sense of younger generation coming through with all that fight and rigor for inclusion. Yes.
Mai Ling 01:51
It sure did. And this is the perfect guest for this month, we have a couple of celebrations, but this month is highlighting augmentative and alternative communication, which is also known as AAC. And I really liked how you helped her to establish these prerecorded responses, but then also allowed for that spontaneous conversation where she really got to shine and show her personality.
Martyn 02:13
Yeah, it felt like a really cool mix. That is a very much that the real her came through with her own speech, but equally she, it was her preference that to have her device to be used for those pre mentioned questions. So, and for me as an interviewer, and you have the same thing as well, Mai Ling, that having the guests feel comfortable and confident, get so much more value out of that story, for them and for the listener. And I think that was really important for her to have both of those ways of communicating.
Mai Ling 02:46
Absolutely. And if I could share a little bit about what I've been doing at Cognixion, that's also an AAC focused company. And we have been doing weekly Facebook, live interviews with many AAC experts, also people who are communication users. And then we've been just starting to move into brain computer interface experts, which is helping us to kind of pave the way to get everyone to understand what we're doing in terms of a headset to be able to communicate, using our mind and of communication. So, for our listener, I really invite you to join us over at our Cognixion Facebook page, every Wednesday, where you can see a new guest who is either a user, an expert or a BCI. expert, or you could actually watch the recorded one. So, hope you join me there. But we have another celebration really, really big.
Martyn 03:34
Yes. So, it's your anniversary.
Mai Ling 03:36
It sure is, it's so funny, because I do refer to Martyn as my podcast husband, which Cameron is absolutely fine with. I think Kasia is too because we always talk about them.
Martyn 03:47
Yeah, so it's been we've been putting on social media as well now. So, it's yeah, kind of a podcast romance that is now a year long. And we've talked about it a couple of times, one around the Lord and on a couple of occasions through the last year, but I think it is to reiterate, and for people listening to this episode that haven't heard the backstory, we've also never been in the same room. Right Mai Ling. It's amazing.
Mai Ling 04:13
Martyn 04:13
That we have such a flow and a vibe and a nice connection on the podcast, obviously very similar values and aims in the world, but just really get on well with each other. And we've had feedback that that does come through the way we chat. But yeah, it's surprising to many people that we've never been in the same country at the same time. Right.
Mai Ling 04:34
It is so true. And you know, I've done podcasting now, Jesus will be my second year and you had your own podcast and then you do live shows. So people will ask me you know, how did you find Martyn and how did you guys start to work out your groove and I love going back to when I first started stalking you is how I put it you know I had you on my show as a guest and then I brought it up and said you know, what do you think what if we started to do shows and Martyn and I are very checklist type of people. So, he's like, Okay, how will it go? Exactly what will we talk about? How many minutes, you know, and I was like, You know what, I don't know, you know, let's start it. And, exactly, and we did a couple of just, you know, early takes just to see how it worked out. And then we started a rubric and, and so I invite anyone to listen to our earlier shows, which would be last October 2019. And then listen to the ones now and I definitely will, will tell you that we've grown, and we've become more comfortable with each other. And you know, with the flow,
Martyn 05:26
For sure, and talking of checklists, we've got a few little punchy stats to check off. How about Mai Ling, do want to read that? The accomplish, the highlight reel of our year.
Mai Ling 05:39
Beautiful. So, we started last year, October 2019, I ended my solo show with an interview of myself, I had Matt Hott, who is with Speech Science, and he has like 11,000 listeners. So, he honored me by coming on and interviewing me and kind of going through my journey of why I did the show. And then we had our intro show with Martyn starting in October. And since then, we have completed 24 shows which is every other week. And that's been difficult because we are both really busy, right, Martyn?
Martyn 06:07
And it's got busier it the more the years gone on, right? It's so true, you know, with our jobs and consulting and all of that. And so biweekly we meet, we complete our interviews beforehand. And then we jump on and we do our intros together, obviously listening to each other shows. It's just been a beautiful choreograph of putting a show together. And then we've grown up to we are now at our height of 1200 monthly downloads. And I'm really, really proud of that. Right, Martyn? I always say when you because I think when you deal with online stuff. Yeah, we can look at the kind of how many people in the world and how many millions may listen to different podcasts. But if you put 1200 people in a room to listen to what you have to talk about is a lot of people right?
Mai Ling 06:50
Yep, it sure is. And they say that an average good show gets about 150. And so, we've Yeah, so we've definitely grown from that. We get mail. You know, people are following us on Facebook. So, if you are just plugging in or you want to continue to connect with us, please follow us on Facebook, its Xceptional Leader starts with an X, please give us reviews. We love those five-star reviews on any of the podcast mediums that you listen to us. You can also email us at the We have a we have another celebration too.
Martyn 07:23
Enough awesomeness to celebrate already. Right?
Mai Ling 07:27
Exactly. Let's talk about me.
Martyn 07:30
We have the launch of the paperback of the book as well, which I got my delivery my bulk purchase yesterday. And it was my dad's birthday. So, I didn't just give him my book. Because I didn't like it. I needed something else for his birthday as well. But it was so lovely to be like, here is a book your son's done. It's an Amazon bestseller. So that was really cool timing. And of course, it's available for everybody. So, if you're listening, and you're like that touch and smell, and the old school vibe of a book Mai Ling is holding it up right now. So yeah, definitely, we can leave a link on the show notes, too, to let you click through and get your own version. But yeah, we're very excited about that. I know that books been such an adventure as well. Right.
Mai Ling 08:23
It has been together with 12 other coauthors; the name of the book is Becoming an Exceptional Leader. And all of the authors were former guests on the show with me prior to Martyn. So, it has just been a wonderful collaboration of beautiful people all around the world.
Martyn 08:38
Cool. Well, it's probably that time to get on with the interview in the show. Right?
Mai Ling 08:43
Yeah, I think that's it with the good news.
Martyn 08:45
Enough for one week, right. Go ahead. I'm really looking forward to meeting with Georgia, we've spoke a bit on email and seeing each other on social media, but we've not really spoken properly about Georgia's stories and are interested to learn more about Georgia and her studies around occupational therapy and her blog, around living with cerebral palsy and a whole lot more. So, it's gonna be really, really good chat. So welcome, first of all, Georgia.
Georgia 09:20
Thank you. Thank you for having me.
Martyn 09:22
Absolute pleasure. And I believe you're going to be using a clever bit of software for some of your answers. Is that right?
Georgia 09:28
Yeah, we need to get out.
Martyn 09:32
Give it a test run. Yeah. That sounds good pick up by me. So. Yeah, I mean, there's as always, I asked my guests What about them and we sort of said we do five things that we five things about you say? If you want to kick off sharing, your five things that'd be brilliant. Yeah. Five things about me. I have cerebral palsy. I come from a very supportive family. I am an occupational therapy student. I have my block name not so terrible palsy. I was the first student at Sheffield Hallam University to complete a virtual occupational therapy placement. And I designed this real emerging placement with my educator. Yeah, Brilliant, brilliant cool, I have to say like, I think your, your space does come across very well. So, don't feel shy and worry, but I appreciate it's easier to have certain parts of the interview, we've prerecorded it. So, it's a nice balance, really. So, the first thing that you were saying was around having cerebral palsy, right. I'm looking forward to getting in there more about the virtual studies and around the, the name of your blog is really cool. I love the name. But first things first, whatsoever. If you can expand a bit more on having cerebral palsy, that'd be great.
Georgia 11:05
My cerebral palsy affects my speech and all four limbs but without my cerebral palsy, I wouldn't have all the great opportunities I've had like being an ambassador for CP Teens UK and starting my own blog. Yeah,
Martyn 11:26
That's pretty. I mean, I can relate to that. So, I've got spinal muscular atrophy. And obviously it affects differently from cerebral palsy. But you know, there's that health condition around having CP / SMA. And there's obviously challenges that are presented with day to day live through the sort of the access I suppose I did. Do you use a wheelchair? Or do you do walk Georgia?
Georgia 11:53
I usually again, I don't walk in whenever I can go around. You remind me when we were here sitting. Really when we walk around with your day. I could do it but at the end of the day, I wouldn't be prepped for anything.
Martyn 12:15
Yeah, yeah, it's almost that if you did, like walking around, you wouldn't have energy for the other things in life, like the studies and the blog, and all the amazing things we're going to get onto in a minute. But yeah, right. Instead of can imagine you've got those similar barriers of being in the chair on access. And there's the added new barriers and all the bits that we have to face. But equally, I love that attitude. You've got that, you know, life still there for the taking. And you seem a very bubbly, happy person and doing lots of cool stuff. So, it's kind of managing the condition and the way the world interacts with TV, but also living a fulfilled life, which is a, which is amazing. Is there anything else you wanted to add around having cerebral palsy?
Georgia 13:03
And without it I won’t know what this means, when you know, I mean, I didn't know what I didn't know?
Martyn 13:16
Yeah, it's sort of that thing of identity and disability, isn't it that, you know, there are people that they never really embrace or accept their disability, and it's not judging like we're all different selves, if you don't accept that part of who you are. It's sort of Yeah, ignoring a part of you. Whereas when you can sort of embrace and accept that you actually be I have SMA, but then crack on with it, it creates, and also I know, you've covered it in different ways itself, but it, it creates quite different an interest in life experiences that are quite unique, right?
Georgia 13:58
Definitely opened many doors, the odd being my one personal injury and get any number have been even in every day.
Martyn 14:11
But like we wouldn't, we wouldn't be talking well, because we're here to talk about disability and inclusion. And, you know, our, our paths have crossed because of that as well. So, it's a lot lots of gratitude and positives around something that could be just seen as a negative. And for others, you know, that there are people that don't understand disability, they often presume that sorts of life must be bad and sad. And you know, actually, we're here to educate them, otherwise right?
Georgia 14:43
Martyn 14:44
So, we move on to point two, which was about coming from a supportive family. I'm interested to hear more about that.
Georgia 14:52
I always like to give my family a mention, because without their support, I wouldn't be here today. On my blog, I talk a lot about my studies and life as a disabled student at university. But that wouldn't have happened. If it wasn't for the support of my family. I don't live in accommodation because I'm still quite dependent on my parents. And I'm just thankful. That when I feel fatigued after a long day of university, I can come home, and my dinner is on the table as I wouldn't have the energy to do that for myself.
Martyn 15:36
Yeah, family is very important. Isn't it being able to have that sort of foundational support? And for the confidence to go on and tackle the more difficult things in life? Yeah,
Georgia 15:50
We, me, and my cousin have down syndrome as well. he, him woman can do that. I mean, we do primary care in Costco having, motive additivity live there, people really know, because we found three children. Is that good idea? Yeah, good to have that network.
Martyn 16:20
Definitely, as well, because a lot of similar similarities and understanding of our stories, because I've got a cousin with down syndrome. And his brother, my other cousin, was born profoundly deaf. So, we all grew up with this sort of three different very different disabilities in the family. But then, as I keep talking about more and more, there's that sort of, as a large group, or a community of disabled people, the barriers are actually quite often down to just education and attitudes. And so even though like my other cousins didn't need wheelchair access, they still had sort of stereotypes to overcome and barriers, and like customer service, and studying at school and all that kind of stuff. So, yeah, it's sort of I'd say that, that understanding of disability runs for about beyond just your core family because of your cousin and by doing activism as well, which is really cool. I mean, I was thinking around this sort of, you know, being at uni, and you say, like having that ability to come home and the family there. Are you thinking in the future, looking into the sort of care support models so that you'll be able to do that not, like running away from family, like, still be very happy and close, but having that sort of independence as well?
Georgia 17:47
I ever I probably would need it. Your duty millipede. Yeah. Yeah, I'm hoping that when I'm can drive and getting more independent during that year, I am aware of it, and I'm gonna need more than that working at home and working very close by. Yeah,
Martyn 18:09
It works for now, obviously. Yeah. Yeah.
Georgia 18:12
We get there that turn. We will get through it.
Martyn 18:17
One step at a time. I don't know how far is like where you're living with your family. How far is it to the university?
Georgia 18:24
Well, not far. Depending on traffic, on the day, Monday morning, an hour, you know, depends.
Martyn 18:37
Yeah, that's Yeah, that makes sense. So, did you want to mention anything else about family side? Or should we move on to the third one?
Georgia 18:45
Yeah. Move on.
Martyn 18:48
So occupational therapy. Yeah.
Introduction 18:51
I chose to study occupational therapy as my own occupational therapists played such a significant role in my life. I love how the profession is so diverse. For example, I have had different placements varying from pediatrics to assistive technology. More recently, I have been on a role, emerging virtual placement all about the online community. I wanted to do this because as you know, yourself, Martyn, the online community is such an important place for disabled people. So, I wanted to promote this within occupational therapy.
Martyn 19:37
Brilliant. So, I know that point five is around the virtual role emergent placement. Is that what you sort of touched upon briefly there as well.
Georgia 19:49
Yeah, yeah.
Martyn 19:50
So, we'll we won't go too into that now. Because we'll do that on point five. But I mean, yeah, it sounds like it's one of those. You're you've benefited from occupational therapy itself. You've got a passion interest for it. So, then you decided to study that at uni and then you know, presumably, it will become a job later on, right? Fingers crossed. So, what we said about you use OTs yourselves I will get us a bit more about your personal experience.
Georgia 20:16
Hopefully. with power dam had 18 per hour from being in Montgomery in Bonn they're open today you sent me in don't give badly, but did you the bad game of equipment in the home? But therapy? denting Did you feel more than what people really do? There will be need reading in preventing mini when you went when you were doing clean. I went and drove into Germany and in the building, when do you have to do uni? Or? Oh, did you have a very good back? I'm an entry. Even then about Huawei duty diving, preventing a new data point, our dream. You can do anything you need. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, well, occupation can be anything. Right. And we can go into I don't care, okay. Productivity manager to lead your independent being anywhere in the industry like, Gary, around the how it might have been unable to meet me economy conduct. COVID Hi. Can you read when I put out the video, because everyone been that have bought one being divine image in Japanese. I mean, he worked with me, they may not know what we were doing in that community, but he can make a coating right now.
Martyn 21:29
Because one thing that maybe you can clear this up when we do is the word occupational feels like working. Like when you have an occupation, it's your job. We all get therapies that fits fine. But like a lot about well, what I understood a lot of OTs was around being, for example in the house and being independent and mobile. So, did you know what the occupational BIM means in terms of OT? So it's sort of like an occupation is almost as that activity it's sort of, if you're having a bar or baking a cake or going on a bus or doing the job that Yeah, like it's, it's just about how you can be more independent doing those activities. Yeah.
Georgia 23:20
Yeah. I do I do any activity making it easier, or how do we get them to be in it, you're more than what we were bringing?
Martyn 23:33
Yeah, that sounds that's good. Good to clarify.
Mai Ling 23:37
Hey there, hope you're enjoying the show. I just wanted to take a moment and introduce you to another great podcast that you might like in the Xceptional Podcast Network.
Podcast Advertisement 23:46
Please listen carefully. Hi, I'm Matt Hott, one of those of Speech Science, a weekly podcast bringing you all the information that you can handle, related the speech sciences and disabilities Michel wintering Michael McLeod and I interview leaders and difference makers in the field. Every Tuesday, we drop a new episode, you can find us on iTunes, Android, and on our website, Join us as we try to find the answers to the question "what is communication?"
Mai Ling 24:16
Now let's get back to our amazing interview.
Martyn 24:19
So, we're going to bridge a bit this one around the point five nine, you mentioned in your last answer about the importance of community. But again, that may be on the one we're about to talk about not so terrible palsy. We talk about community in that context. So, let's move on to your blog. Yeah
Georgia 24:40
Yeah, there. I started my blog, not so terrible palsy 18 months ago, so I'm still quite new to it, but I'm liking where it's going. When I started my blog, I thought I would be just blogging about cerebral palsy. But now I am also blogging about occupational therapy. I love blogging about being a disabled health care student and raising awareness about online communities and why virtual health care is so important.
Martyn 25:20
There's so much to unpack because I mean, everyone knows I love blogging and the way it gives people a voice when they maybe wouldn't have had a platform to speak about, like their story, but also their beliefs and their values and what they feel the world should be more like in terms of inclusion. So, the blog bet there's other content that fascinates me, the community side, as you said before, is really important. And it's something you've been doing more about in your placement as well. But also, the when you mentioned the sort of disabled health care worker like that, that's such a specific perspective that there's not probably really out there is it?
Georgia 26:07
Yeah, I mean,
Martyn 26:09
O ya I mean as a blog sorry. I'm sure there are disabled health care professionals ever but like in the blog sense, it must be quite a niche.
Georgia 26:19
Yeah, in the high knees. And they were talking about being you might have you into a creek bed. And anyway, got why, you know, confident and good. You got me a big thing in the New York Jay rain, and I've been there. Oh, are you hard to believe the unknown going in training? me Oh, God, different therapy. And in the key? Oh, harder emerged? You know, they're never ever going to me.
Martyn 27:08
That's interesting. So, it for you is a big, big barrier, the confidence side of it.
Georgia 27:16
Martyn 27:18
I think and that's very normal. I when I started blogging in 2009, it was sort of like, what am I writing? Why am I writing it? Who cares what I've got to say, but then you realize that there's so many people out there in a similar boat to you and to have something public I kind of role model I suppose, or not even role model, but just someone in the same boat as you it's really empowering to feel that connection. And then yeah, like it also evolves with the community side, because you can all help each other, to be more confident and to like, overcome more barriers. So, can you tell us a bit more the community side? Like what is a community for you? And how are you sort of, you know, working to improve communities?
Georgia 28:10
Well, and then kinky gay, Incorporated, Ijma Bubo, where people may never be promoted. Within a year working in I'm Tom friend of mine in order to go play, and then you go, when it not very well known in healthcare, you have bad Wi Fi, the impact you can have been able to make no money in weaving healthcare. He made me do more, more online dementing bobbing online training day. In May we did react during that or do that.
Martyn 29:03
For you is it more the good sort of interaction of the communities for disabled people in the healthcare professionals, knowing those communities exist for the people they work with? Or is it communities for disabled healthcare professionals to support each other?
Georgia 29:22
Well, I mean, was it worth the money? Anything? Yeah, I agree. No, okay. Give me the day but every bath your divine, knowing that your grandpa boy Yeah, and then you need to be liking and more by her kept back note.
Martyn 29:48
Yeah cool. Let's go on to number five because there's definitely a specific area that is very, very interested. And then we can always, you know, go back in a little bit to something The others if we think that's going to be helpful but let's move on to the fifth point.
Georgia 30:06
Yes, Martyn that will be great. I started my virtual placement at the end of February. Talk about perfect timing. I was planning it for around six months before I started it. So, like I mentioned it was inspired by the online community to try and raise awareness of the disabled online community within occupational therapy. I wanted to raise awareness because some disabled people struggle to leave the house with the COVID 19 so it would be nice to have more virtual health current online intervention groups, so people feel less isolated. Yeah.
Martyn 30:58
That's fascinating. So was this because of COVID-19 or was this before.
Georgia 31:03
room it would be it would have been what he would on the news be good then we can't didn't met online and we only knew that we know the best time in Cuba only competent in Puerto Rico and it would then have a new arc getting very powerful in how do many people recognize me mind when you're doing the Panini April the IV candy cane do it and then we don't apply me probably like September maybe in February and then we've got good bit timing everyone we're working with you in everyone but when that moving on 908 we do meet my boy Oh,
Martyn 32:08
Yeah, that's as you say, obviously not fortunate that COVID-19 came because it's been very difficult for everybody in many different ways. But yeah, like the fact that you'd got that all going and ready and then when that happened, they obviously made it more in demand I suppose. Right?
Georgia 32:29
I mean, they don't really come in very jumbo unique enjoy the Nigerian open-air bug about and they have no origin odd mode painting. Would you be interested in me? No, we're gonna do the talk that got moved up north. I don't hardly know anything could we need how it really very kind of co me. mean that didn't never don't.
Martyn 33:05
Yeah, yeah, cool, so I guess I was looking through our discussion has been sort of you share in your story more of the sort of general having CP but then you've been through this journey of studying OT and then looking at how to bring OT to a more virtual world so it's a bit more accessible for certain groups of people that prefer it or need it that way. But I suppose also opens up the way that the professionals can deliver as well there's probably like for you it's I imagine is easier on the professional side being able to do it digitally as long as obviously it suits the service user at the same time.
Georgia 33:52
Yeah, we and I only really do it if you abide by every bug that I write about it. No, I'm not going to be great we never replay you can't replace reading 100 maddening got money. Spring guy. Tired, NBA witty thing. Oh, we do we got the journey that our journey to get the return turn get them back in you.
Martyn 34:33
Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, so I mean, I guess one thing I've been asking all of our bloggers and influencers is the sort of not the technical side but I suppose the creative side in a way, but around blogging, like, have you got a sort of routine, and a process or like a plan of what you're going to be writing about and doing in months ahead or are you very like you just do it when it feels like something is to share.
Georgia 35:01
Yeah, I will upon invite you to again. Yeah, they're really upon their head. We got a raven there. I got Okoye. There. I am trying to be my main again doing good. Yeah. The guy getting it going during time key gate that brought me like worth You know; it gave you in that name? Yeah. I mean let me give being more of an added member didn't have when you when you do DNA wow
Martyn 35:42
Yeah, I know that i know that feeling. What about the community side, like do you get many comments? Do you have any Q and A's or zoom? Could I get that have you sort of brought that way from just publishing to connect with the community as well?
Georgia 35:59
I mean, we've got we do in code mode we go way to placement then an ad a webinar. Are there any more motor with my blog? there? It being good to get my name out there and Yeah.
Martyn 36:19
You did a great job of it.
Georgia 36:23
Thank you. I can you do anything you can like, Oh, we like? No, Jimmy. Kind of going in and going. Oh, I do need to do any directory thing for one thing?
Martyn 36:42
Yeah, you have to balance a lot of things that... So, I think there is probably two other questions I am going to ask before we start to wrap up. So, one was around how you sort of created I think you were saying with your educators who created this situation. So, like, was this with Sheffield University was it?
Georgia 37:03
Sheffield Hallam University.
Martyn 37:05
Hallam ya. Like were they just very forthcoming and happy to look at how to make this work for you then?
Georgia 37:14
we got the ID we will remove making the ID when we add it, we're going to play with a new key. We come up with documentation to engine with you. Or the point the moment employed by an NP will continue. And then yeah, ma my bugs that Jean teaching on the map because I didn't keep in the VAT that they were going with me but yeah, damn good. Don't live in India. Do a Chico do your train by begin Decatur moto.
Martyn 38:03
Wow, that's really cool that you know you can just sort of imagine that. We can imagine you hear stories that there's always the rules and you can't change it how it's always been it has to be that way you know, but it's amazing they were very flexible and adjusting.
Georgia 38:22
Good. Very good theory we type how you do that and then prove that I mean do you know the competent Did you pass
Martyn 38:33
You often think it's parts like the curriculum of the key learning objectives.
Georgia 38:37
Yeah, dude, that would have been we knew what we want to do. We don't know how to do it. Well. We made it work. Yeah. Many reviews
Martyn 38:55
Well done for getting out of the ground and ya well done to the university as well really. That's really great on their side, too. Yeah, the other thing I was just going to ask a bit more about you mentioned CP Teens ( So, I was on a trip last August with Limitless Travel when we were allowed to fly and go abroad and the old world... I'm missing traveling now. I was alright for the first couple of months a lot I have I really have this in the travelers now. But um yeah, on the trip, there was a couple of people that have been very I think one was like a co-founder or the founder of CP Teens and I was on this same sort of group trip this group holiday that we were on with Limitless Travel so they told me a little bit about it. But can you just share with the viewers a bit more about what CP Teens is?
Georgia 39:46
Yeah, did it we were very good everything to the new found the M and the overland, the gamma t dot, our neighbor do and Do a board game maker like I've been telling you at spawn demo Did you meet or run you can't wait why do they were very good Cody very good to me over dt will be boy here he can do online web prevent me they've got a few been good Germany, you and Jimmy you've been doing Bob Merton at that bridge right in Jamnagar event your courage every week. And with your banker a paid you're paying you import and then intended to mana leaving to go during a pandemic.
Martyn 40:48
Yeah, we said it don't worry about that with the pandemic and the need for more virtual it's great. They facilitated some of them on social sites for CP Teens. And that was really good to share that. See. I mean, obviously I want you to get to share your sort of URL and where people can follow you. But before we do that, is there anything else that you wanted to mention about your work and your studies and everything?
Georgia 41:15
Yeah, and your weekly work? I mean, you can implement right now I'm currently doing about unlimited time give me meaning. beginning the week really important join Cowdrey no doubt I know you're doing well. I would say we're doing right now.
Martyn 41:42
Yeah, I know you made, but yeah, well in terms of the URL where can people find you.
Georgia 41:49
Right. People can follow me on twitter @GeorgiaVineOT, Facebook Not So Terrible Palsy (, LinkedIn Georgia Vine ( and then my website is Yeah, yeah.
Martyn 42:10 I love the way you see, terrible sounds like cerebral it's a very clever, clever way and yeah, not so terrible. You know against society's assumption that it must be terrible.
Georgia 42:28
If you went there when you couldn't get a job or work for you again, we did you use
Martyn 42:35
Aww, that's cute. So, it's like a family sort of family and they... O that's nice. Well, yeah, I'm saying unless there's anything else you wanted to mention or share, and I’d love people to follow you on your any of your or they’re their chosen channel of the channels you gave. Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and the website you gave there, wasn't it? And Instagram was Georgia Vine OT, right?
Georgia 42:41
Martyn 42:44
Ya Twitter is GeorgiaVineOT, Instagram is NotSoTerribelPalsy. Yeah.
Georgia 43:12
They're all kind of connected.
Martyn 43:16
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I found that there was my blog. Then there was Disabilityhorizons (, and there was Accomable (, now there's Purple Goat (, and there's The Daily Sib. And they're like, they're all connected to me. So, there's, like, you know, it's still good to have different brands for different sort of projects and different types of audiences. As you grow and evolve, you want to talk about new things and different things. And you should absolutely do that. Because the more passion and motivation you have, the more it helps others anyway. And then sort of the people that follow you in your community, you kind of go on that journey with you. So, I think Don't Shy Away from James. And just keep doing what you're doing. And I think it's fantastic. Really, Georgia. Thank you. That means your we could do with me, I'm gonna do more editing content. Oh, my god, they're thanking me. Yeah. You might, you might eventually decide that there is a lifestyle blog separate from the OT, professional blog, and you might have to, but I think in a way like it's you and your content, so it's easier for people to come to one home as well for it.
Georgia 44:30
Jane, Jamie Demon.
Martyn 44:34
Awesome. All right. Well, yeah, thank you very much Georgia. I really loved chatting to you today. Pleasure. Bye-bye for now.
Mai Ling 44:46
Thanks so much for joining us for this episode. And remember that if you have a creative idea that you're ready to start on and want help from someone who truly understands what it means to build a disability focused offering, visit and let's get started.
Martyn 44:59
And be sure to check out to embrace your place as a world changer. If you are serious about becoming an influencer and impacting the world. Please join me in my VIP Academy. Where we focus on you and build momentum together. We will see you in the next episode.

Georgia Vine
OT, Disability Blogger
I am an occupational therapy student, an ambassador for CP Teens UK, and Digital Production Director & Global Students ambassador for Occupational Therapist Without Borders. I am very determined to never let my disability get in the way of living my life my way. I face any challenges that life throws at me. I chose to train to be an occupational therapist because when I was younger, my occupational therapists were phenomenal, they played a highly significant role in my life, and they inspired me to apply for this career. If I can make half the impact on an individual that they’ve made on me, and my family, then I know it is all worthwhile.